News and Announcements

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Sailors Hockey Update

Posted by Ali Baggott at Apr 28, 2010 5:21PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Just to round things up…


- May 29th and 30th
-planning for about 8-4 on Saturday and 8-3 on Sunday.
- let Shannon know what shifts you are free for
-bakers, etc. contact Shannon
- Candy skewer makers on May 27 at Linda Low’s house

Congratulations to the following:

MARINERS: 1st Div Sportsmanship award

SAILORS: 2nd Div league and playoff winners

PIRATES: 3rd Div league winners

and the following individuals:

Veronica Planella (2nd Div MVP)

All stars:
Andrea Bain, Mariners
Chelsea Rabey, Mariners
Connie Wylie, Mariners
Veronica Planella, Sailors
Shannon Petrovic, Sailors
Joy Shumka, Sailors
Sara Brant, Sailors
Erica Kjekstad, Pirates
Catherine Fracy, Pirates
Heather Crisp, Pirates

Newly Appointed VILFHA Executive Members 2010:

President: Sara Brant, Sailors
First VP: Melissa Puckett, Sailors
Second VP: Cheryl McCreary, Cowichan
Secretary: Jenna Lucas, Sailors
Treasurer: vacant
Operations: Pat Hall, Oak Bay
Membership: Denise Hall, Rebels
Communications: Ali Lee, Sailors
Events: Shannon Petrovic, Sailors

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Upcoming EVENTS

Posted by Ali Baggott at Nov 29, 2009 10:15AM PST ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,
Please see below regarding events. My suggestion would be to invest your time in at least ONE of the following events. (If it is a money issue please e-mail me). Also, for those who helped out in concession or baked … the new jackets will be at practice on Tuesday for sizing – so COME to practice on Tuesday if you want the correct size. Those who have not contributed in team events will be allowed to purchase a jacket, for those who contributed, the jacket will be purchased for you on behalf of the club. Jackets will have your initials and the new club logo on it.


SAILORS CLUB UP COMING EVENTS: Please mark your calendar.

1. Christmas Dinner
Date: Saturday, December 5th
Location: Ming’s Restaurant
Time: 6:30 PM
Cost: $25.00

We have 17 people attending the dinner so far, please RSVP TODAY, Finally numbers MUST BE IN on Wednesday, December 2nd.

2. Salmon Kings Hockey Night
Date: Saturday, January 9th
Location: Save On Foods Arena
Time: 7:00 pm
Cost: $17.00

3. Family Pizza & Bowling Night
Date: TBA
Location: Miracle Lanes, Sidney
Time: 5:00 pm
Cost: FREE

We may have to do 2 shifts as Miracle Lanes can only occupied maximum 30 people. Please invite your family members, but we need to know numbers in order to organize the times for bowling and ordering the pizzas to be delivered.

Questions???? Call Ellen: 250-598-6461
Or Ronnie: 250-727-6033


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Fundraising Attempts

Posted by Ali Baggott at Nov 26, 2009 9:24PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,

In case you haven’t heard I’ve recently re-joined the Senior Women’s National Field Hockey team program and as my first major part of my commitment I have been selected to the 27 member roster for the up coming World Cup qualifier. I will be taking a breather from school for the Spring semester and finally pursuing my opportunity to play for Canada! I believe this time around is going to be amazing and I am putting forth all I’ve got the next few months.

That being said we have a few tours coming up and as the program feels pretty much self-funded, we have an amazing new set of fundraising campaigners with FHC that have put together a new fundraising program! I totally support it! Every athlete must individually raise $2400 and 100% of that total goes directly to tours and travel! Every great international team needs at least 30 games to even be able to think about really competing on the world stage and currently Canada can afford maybe 10! So, this fundraising initiative is VERY important and I think this is a great opportunity to support individual athletes since you must write down the name of the person you are in support of on the donation form!

I am going to be circulating donation forms around the field, posting it on websites but this is my first (sorry for the future spam) email out to friends and family asking for YOU to support me (and my team) as we try and qualify for the world cup, and later, the Olympics! Every dollar goes a long way and I need to get $2400 but I think I can totally go above and beyond that!!

Upcoming Tour Schedule:
January: Two-week International Tour. Location: Malaysia or Spain?
March: World Cup Qualifier, USA.
September: 4 Nation Tour, Europe
October: Commonwealth Games, Delhi India

Donating Instructions:

1. ONLINE —> You can go to FIELD HOCKEY CANADA ( website and click ’BREAK THROUGH 2009" and follow the instructions. BE SURE TO WRITE MY NAME DOWN after you have made your payment

2. CHEQUE —> Print and fill in a donation form ( I have a bunch too) and write a cheque to field hockey canada (240-1101 Prince of Wales Drive, ottawa, Ont, K2C 3W7) and give it to me or mail it to them!

Tax receipts are sent out in Feb 2010

Finally, if you are donating and are comfortable telling me, I have to keep track since I have only until the end of December to raise my $2400 … so let me know if you are able to donate and help even if it is only $2.00 I WILL BE THANKFUL!!!

THANKS EVERYONE! Feel Free to contact me if you have more questions! Also feel free to pass this on to others that you know…

Ali Lee
c. 250-686-5000
h. 250-727-6033

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New Jackets

Posted by Ali Baggott at Oct 31, 2009 6:01PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Sailors FHC Members,

We have decided against crew neck sweatshirts as a lot of the members were looking for something different and so I did some looking and found a jacket that I already had and we are going to order the 2009/10 model.

Anyway, have a look at the attached photos and you can see them and let me know your thoughts.

The first photo is a picture of me and two of my teammates. It’s the same jacket but we would get it in forest green.

The other two photos are the catalogue photos for the jacket.

Enjoy! let me know if you have comments. Also, if you did want a crew neck sweatshirt on special request let me know…..


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Posted by Ali Baggott at Oct 16, 2009 12:14AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

A big thanks to all the teams in the club for volunteering and baking for the concession over the Thanksgiving long weekend. The club raised close to $2000 to purchase new team gear and we are probably going to get that underway in the next few weeks!

Thanks again!